Algïnate – SODIUM ALGINATE POWDER. Its basic function is that of a gelling agent(in the presence of calcium), but it also has thickening and stabilizing properties. Sodium alginate is a fiber-like carbohydrate obtained from brown algae, particularly the types Macrocrystis, Fucus, Laminaria, etc. Hydrocolloid polysaccharide. It does not disperse well in acidic media. The gel produced in calcium media is thermostable and, therefore, does not become liquid with increasing temperature. Mix cold with strong agitation and let stand. It gels in the presence of calcium. This capability makes it especially useful for spherification, producing thermosetting gels.
Usual dosage for basic spherification: 5-10 gr. of Algïnate/l. of food. Calcium chloride bath 5-10 g/l. of water.
Usual dosage for reverse spherification: 20 g Glücocal/l. of food. Algïnate bath 4-6 gr./l. of water.
When used as a thickener/stabilizer, its usual concentration is between 10-15 Algïnate/l. of food.
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